What translations and country level benchmarks are available?

New translations and countries are being added continually, please contact us directly to discuss and we can provide you with the very latest information.

If your language is not available, we can undertake a short project to implement. Contact us for further information.

What are the main features of the Management Information System (MIS)?

The main features of the MIS include:

  • an overview of Driver Risk Index™ completions in graphical and list form
    • overall and by situational and behavioural risk ratings
    • by individual situational and behavioural risk
    • individual reports are stored and are available for download at any time
    • line managers can use the MIS to contact drivers individually or in batches at the click of a button
    • changes in individual and whole fleet risk can be tracked over time
    • group drivers for ease of tracking – line managers can have access to the MIS showing just their own group of drivers while senior fleet managers have whole-system visibility

How do I access the MIS?

We will provide the management team with one whole-MIS username and password, and one set for each group set up within the MIS, and a unique website address.


How are e-learning modules allocated?

If you have enrolled on the Driver Risk Index™+ programme, after completing the Driver Risk Index™ a set of e-learning modules are allocated automatically based on the results of each report. The e-learning modules have been specifically developed to address the high risk behavioural factors identified by the Driver Risk Index™.  Successful completion, as defined by passing a test at the end of each module, is recorded within the Management Information System. You will then have an audit trail of the steps you have taken to manage to inform your drivers about how to improve their safety as part of your risk management programme.