DriverMetrics® Online Course

The online coaching course gives driver trainers and risk management professionals an in-depth understanding of the DriverMetrics Profiling® assessment reports, […]

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The online coaching course gives driver trainers and risk management professionals an in-depth understanding of the DriverMetrics Profiling® assessment reports, and how to use coaching techniques to address the behavioural issues in driver risk.

It is most suitable as a refresher for driver trainers who have previously taken part in the live DriverMetrics® Profiling Workshop, or for those involved in driver risk management who would benefit from an enhanced understanding of the DriverMetrics® Profiling and behavioural intervention process, but who will not be actively coaching drivers.

  • Introduction to driver behaviour
  • Interpreting the DriverMetrics® Profiling report
  • Preparing for the coaching conversation
  • Identifying the different syndromes
  • How accurate is DriverMetrics® Profiling?
  • Communication skills in driver coaching
  • The coaching conversation